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October Round-up

December 22, 2009

You may have been worried by the last photo from September, but I think we all had a great time the 2 weeks I was in Springfield for an Ob/Gyn rotation. I got to dance at Martha's with her gbff Evan. We went to Lambert's, home of the throwed rolls. Twice actually, the 2nd time with my Aunt Marylou & Uncle Doyle who came into town for the day just for me. We took a trip down to BRANSON! which was AMAZING! And we didn't even really get out of the car, except to watch a fountain show ...with fire and the star-spangled banner!! Oh and of course to get a pumpkin pie custard from Andy's. Which I only did every other day. We also had some great times at home, like a weenie roast at his sister's. Or Sunday lunch at his grandma's. Or the magical time I accidentally brought home the doppler. Bethany and Brandon were totally awesome. I sure will miss curling up at the foot of their bed like a puppy to watch Grey's Anatomy.

Before I left town, I had to see Zach! We went to the Belgian Waffle and Pancake House with his whole family, including mother and sister in law. This is LB. She has gotten so big. The last time I saw her she was a colicky newborn who screamed the whole time I babysat her except for half an hour before parents got home. Lily, who I had always seen as a little toddler, was now a tall talkative stringbean. And Zach really seemed to have come alive from being out of Kirksville and on rotations. I certainly can understand that sentiment.

While I was gone, Josh got really sick. In his delirious state, high on Nyquil, he allowed a hobo with a puppy to live with us. Well not really a hobo but some idiot girl he knew from work. Seriously, she was feeding the puppy ham and milk. So we took the puppy away, changed her name from Precious to Gretchen, and gave her to Andee & Joe, a med student and future vet student couple. They changed her name to Maya, and now she is their baby, just like Roxy was for us when we were first married.

We kinda fell in love with her but we knew it was the right thing to do. The next two weeks I worked in the pain clinic, which I was a little unsure about but turned out to be pretty good. Decent hours, lots of psych, and anesthesiologists are just plain nice. The weekend I finished there, which was right before Halloween, I headed back home for a Type B medicine reunion...which was not to be. But I still had fun with Dad and Katie. We all had dinner in Soulard then went to my first real haunted house ever, which was supposed to be the scariest in St. Louis... What a disappointment. Dad called me jaded bc it didn't scare me. I just think that fake ass props and teenagers going RAWR ain't scary. We also so Paranormal Activity, he scariest movie ever supposedly... where viewers come out physically disturbed. Again, I must be jaded. If it was a real documentary, then yes definitely, but just some doors being moved and fake demon footprints? Sorry. I guess it just wasn't meant to be this year, bc then for our actual Halloween, the party we planned to go to got cancelled, we never got costumes, and only 1 trick or treater showed up. But I had time watching the Paranormal State marathon at least!

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